
Wed, 05/01/2024 - 2:53pm
On 5-1-2024 seniors from South Gibson School Corporation spent the day volunteering their time to weed, mulch, and spruce up landscaping. They painted, washed buses, and decorated bags for Nurse's Appreciation Week. It's amazing how much our youth can accomplish in such a short amount of time! They all did great work!
Tue, 04/23/2024 - 3:14pm
On 4-23-2024, seniors from North Gibson School Corporation spent their day volunteering at YMCA Camp Carson by sprucing up landscaping, and cutting tie blankets for later donations to cancer patients in Gibson County. After finishing their projects, students ended their day with several team building activities around camp. We are so proud and very thankful for our Gibson County youth!!

Wed, 12/13/2023 - 3:29pm
This morning the United way of Gibson County, with the help of a few PCHS students, delivered 21 gift bags filled with hand-tied blankets and Christmas cards to the Deaconess Gibson General Cancer and Infusion Therapy Services, so that they may gift them to patients for Christmas.
The gift bags, cards, and blankets were made by Princeton Community eighth graders during our United Way of Gibson County’s Giving Tuesday event in November.

Mon, 11/27/2023 - 11:05am
If you haven’t already joined our celebration of service this #GivingTuesday, the time is now. #GivingTuesday may only last one day, but the echoes of your gift of love and generosity we be felt throughout 2024.
Volunteering benefits all involved!
United Way of Gibson County mobilizes volunteers from across the community to enable opportunity through collaboration with community partners like